– Georgia P.
Candace made me feel comfortable right away. She had an amazing technique that brought out the best in my eyes. I have seen Candace twice a month since, and now look better than ever. Thanks Dating Ready
– Mariah D.
Dr. Judy was incredibly responsive to the stress and pain I was experiencing. She listened to my needs and managed to bring me to a state of relaxation I have never experienced before. Thanks!
– Marcia M.
Bonnie not only critiqued my wardrobe, she took me shopping, acting as a personal wardrobe consultant to make me look my best. This has brought me much joy, as it is the first time in twenty years that I can say that I’m looking great!
– Cynthia E.
Thanks Dating Ready Team. You made me feel comfortable right away. Using your services was the best decision I ever made!
– Bailey T.
Not only did your honest feedback inform me of my dating faux pas, you changed my outlook on how to pick the right partner for me! Thanks!
– Earline J.
Since using your services, I look better at age 65 than I did at 35! Thank you so much!
– Brian K.
I was heading into Valentine’s Day with the entirely wrong idea of how to impress my ex GF to try and win her back, and my session with Dr. Judy gave me the confidence and direction to act like the man I want to show her I am, not the boy that I used to be. 3 days away until the big Valentine’s date….. I’ll let you know how it goes!
818.385.1815 | drjudy@getdatingready.com